年度チーム名国内予選アジア地区予選PlayoffWorld Finals
2024-2025 I_do_understand_the_danger_of_overflow_and_really_want_to_use_32bit_integer 4th -
Distance Sums 2 25th -
saehass 35th -
turqu01se 38th
UI_beam 43rd
o_o o_o o_o o_o o_o n_n 112nd
Lucky Lilac 192nd
2023-2024 GoodBye2023 12th Yokohama 9th Hanoi26th
Big O of N cubed 23rd Yokohama 27th
sylot 36th
saikoro 78th
negeek 82nd
Codestroyer 101st
2022-2023 otagai_tasukeai 15th Yokohama 16th (11th)
shichifuku 36th
TX Rapid 43rd
negi_mo_tabero 49th
Team ITF. 132nd
2021-2022 shichifuku 47th Yokohama 23rd (13rd)
fib-dih 63rd
karintou_extra 64th
2020-2021 potetisensei 15th Yokohama 7th (6th)
shichifuku 45th Yokohama 22nd (16th)
BandsmanAlgon 61st
Tsukuba-STN 93rd
karintou_extra 124th
acwing 209th
2014-2015nekonyaso3rdTokyo6th (5th)
Taichung8th (4th)
ITF23rdTokyo23rd (19th, tie)
Taichung22nd (11th, tie)
Is the order (n^2)*(2^n)?27th
2013-2014pipe.txt17thAizu12th (7th)Ekaterinburg45th
Chia-yi14th (6th)
Titekikohkishinman30thChia-yi40th (17th, tie)
Pink Coders38th
2012-2013_(:3 _| /_ )_9thTokyoHonorable mention
Kaohsiung12th (6th)
Code of Duty33rd
Pink Coders64th
mofmof.Lambda-puppyHonorable mention
2011-2012ITF23rdFukuokaHonorable mention
kanarinemuiHonorable mention

*: カッコ内の順位は大学別順位